Shoulder conditions

In the human body, shoulder joint muscle pain conditions are very common. This is the most mobile muscle. If your posture is poor while sitting at your workplace, it affects your shoulder pain and neck as well. Due to nerve compression, this kind of problem mainly occurs. The shoulder part has a wide range of motion in the arm. This muscle can do everything from stretch to throw any object.If lack of mobility happens with this muscle, then it may lead to increasing the chances of pain problems in the shoulder. Soft tissue or bony structures may cause you to feel pain in your shoulder. This kind of pain may be short-term or long-term. If this is continuously happening, then patients require medical diagnosis and proper treatment. The human body part called the shoulder is made of three bones, like the humerus, scapula, and clavicle. The upper arm bone fits into a rounded socket. This socket is also known as the glenoid. A combination of muscles and tendons remains in the centre because of the shoulder socket. We can tell because such tissues are the rotator cuff. Most shoulder pain happens due to tendon tears and lack of stability. Arthritis is also a reason for shoulder pain. Broken bones may give you shoulder pain. If you are suffering from any of the above shoulder conditions, diagnosis and treatment will help a lot.

We treat the shoulder conditions listed in the below categories:-

  • Numbness in the arms

  • Arthritis

  • Shoulder dislocation

  • Tendinitis

  • Torn rotator cuffs

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Fractures

  • Bursitis